As we known, meta keyword is one important way to optimize your website search ranking. Search engines use meta keyword to filter sites for the search result of querry occured by their search tool. If your keywords is bad, click rate of your site in search result low, your rank will be lower, lower and may be banned out of the list. So, is meta-keyword important?
There are basically 2 parts to a META tag: first is the META description and second is the META keywords.
The description are what appears on a search. As you can see, if the description is too long, it'll be cropped as search engines only uses a few lines to describe the blog. An optimum number of characters to use for META description is 150 (including spaces and dots).
For META keywords, you can use as many words as you want, but don't repeat the same word too many times (more than 5) to avoid keyword spam. Crawlers can identify keyword spamming easily - which won't make it good either for SEO.
For blogger users, the question is how to add meta keyword to ours blog? Ya. The answer is:
1. First, sign in to blogger; at Dashboard, click "Layout" tab; then click "Edit HTML".
3.Add the code at this link just after this [Look at the below screenshot]
4. Replace the words in red with your appropriated content.
Don't forget to add description and keywords.
and save the changes.
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